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Let your voice be heard #5

1.     Articulation

Everyday speech has become very lax and casual, and that’s ok. But during a presentation or a speech delivery, articulation is crucial. Articulation is the ability to form speech distinctly. If your audience cannot understand you, your message is lost. 


Lips, tongue, jaw and soft palate all aid in the articulation of sound. Increase the muscularity of these organs through these routines:

−      Tongue-tip (make the tongue drop to the bottom each time)

            La                    la                     la                     lah

            Lala                 lala                  lala                  lalah

            Lalala              lalala               lalala               lalalah

            Tetete              tetete               tetete               tah

            Dedede            dedede             dedede             dah

            Nenene            nenene             nenene             nah

−      Back of tongue            

                        Kekeke            kekeke             kekeke             kah

                        Gegege            gegege             gegege             gah      

                        Kege                kege                kege                kege                            

−      Lips

            Pepepe            pepepe             pepepe             pah

            Bebebe                        bebebe             bebebe             bah

            Mememe         mememe         mememe         mah     


            Practice projecting your voice in this routine.

marla lise