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Let your voice be heard #6

1.     Other pointers 

In the previous five blogs we’ve focused on some aspects of voice and strategies to improve your voice so that it is well projected and resonant.  If the voice comes through your nose, it sounds nasal (like Nanny Fine). If it comes through from deep inside your throat it will sound harsh and raspy (like Sylvester Stallone). The ideal is to have a free flowing sound that comes from the front of your mouth and supported by the breath from your diaphragm. It takes rigorous practice but it is doable.


Practice with tongue twisters. Continue repeating the same tongue twister as fast as possible. If you start feeling your mouth muscles getting tired, it’s a good sign that you are improving.           

            Also, make your speech sound more interesting through vocal variety - by changing          the rate, pitch, volume and pauses to your delivery. 

            Finally, stay hydrated. When the vocal cords get dehydrated your voice will sound            strained and raspy. So drink lots of fluids - taking sips during a long talk.

marla lise