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Poetry and Prose

Poetry might sound outdated. Images of Romeo and Juliet, the star-crossed lovers and romantic scenes come to mind when the word is mentioned. Poetry is a genre that has been used for centuries to express deep emotions succinctly. But, does poetry need to be lost with the traditions of old? Putting words on paper can help you make sense of the world around you, express your deepest emotions, and give you a healthy way to cope with whatever is on your mind. 

Prose is the best format for expressing meaning; poetry for the expression of emotion. This is because poetry uses forms and conventions to evoke emotive responses and can have multiple interpretations. The use of images enables the poet and the readers to uncover layers of connections, often not perceived ordinarily.  

If you are new to poetry reading, you might want to start with poems written for children, some of which are quite hilarious – like those written by Shel Silverstein or Jack Prelutsky. There is a book recommended on our blog that is written in narrative poetry, The Crossover by Kwame Alexander. 

Here’s our COVID Haiku:

COVID is still here

Poetry can be your cure 

Write down all you fear

marla lise