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Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is an important aspect of a healthy work environment. It helps reduce stress and prevents burnout in the workplace. But what does a balanced work-life entail? A flexible work environment has been shown to decrease stress, boost levels of job satisfaction and help employees maintain a healthier lifestyle. But often employees don’t get to have a say in their employment terms and conditions. So what then is in your control to achieve a harmonious work-life balance?

The following recommendations have been proposed by gurus:

  1. Set boundaries for yourself as far as possible

  2. Manage time well – deal with important things ahead of time so that you are not just spending time putting out fires 

  3. Enjoy the restorative powers of nature. Stop and stare; smell the roses

  4. Focus on your inner wellbeing – get in touch with your spiritual side

  5. Find a routine that helps you integrate work and life successfully, without being too regimental; balance may be achieved over time.

But the fact remains that there may never be an ideal work-life balance. As circumstances change in an individual’s life, their own concept of what constitutes a balance will also be modified. So balance of work and life commitments may only be an elusive dream.


marla lise