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Back to school

Back to School

As schools open across the country this week, we explore the need for face-to-face learning. We salute all the education providers who stepped up their game and ventured into unknown territory, refining and adjusting their methods to make sure that learners never had to stop learning. Teachers had to become educated themselves, figuring out strange internet codes, designing online quizzes and documents and trying to manage students in classes with online learning platforms.   

The world is becoming more digitized, more tech-savvy and its moving at a rapid pace.Physical meetings all around the world were put on hold during this time of lockdown and people internationally seemed to adapt to this new lifestyle, this new era of working and studying from home.

So why go back to school? 

Studying on the couch and in the comfort of your home, close to the fridge and snack box is definitely a more appealing option than waking up early, putting on that boring uniform and trudging to school. While learning theories and practicing sums may be more easily done at home, at your own pace, we must remember that school doesn’t just teach us from books. The skills that are being recognized as being critical in today’s day and age, the soft skills, are the other lessons that we learn in school that are almost impossible to be taught studying solo, at home.

Communication, teamwork, presenting arguments, leadership. We learn these in school and continue to build up their finesse as we grow. Camaraderie, friendship and social skills are taught in the classroom, on the sports field and in extra-curricular activities. Students learn to persevere, to compete, to cooperate, to accept and be considerate. They learn to be mindful of the people around them, their cultures, their beliefs and values. 

There are so many skills learned behind the curriculum taught in schools. This week, as we go back to school, think about everything and everyone you’ve missed and be grateful for an education, for the freedom to learn, to move and to be around people again. We wish everyone a happy return to school life!

marla lise