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My Social Responsibility

It’s been 6 months since the first case of the COVID-19 virus was announced in China. Since then, the world has been a little hectic. Many countries are starting to end their lockdown periods and things are starting to find a sense of normalcy again. The world will not be ‘normal’ though for a long time. Many people have lost their jobs and have been struggling to find ways to cope with financial issues. Schools have been closed and unfortunate children not able to afford technology don’t have the chance to continue their education. Many animals too have been suffering around the world as shelters, reserves and zoos are not able to feed them.


There are also many positive things that have come from this pandemic. People have finally had time to read books, bake bread, call family and friends around the world, do online courses, learn new skills and spend time alone or with their households. The environment is healing as pollution is starting to disappear in many countries. Wild animals are returning to their habitats and even to urban streetscapes.


For those of us fortunate enough not to suffer through these trying times, what can we do to help and make sure that the spread of positivity goes farther?


Corporate Social Responsibility


This is a concept where companies integrate environmental and social concerns in their business operations. Many companies in Singapore have been involved in this during these last few months. They have been sending their employees out into different industries to help, to deliver food, to stack shelves at supermarkets and to care for the sick. Did you know that The English Curve has been volunteering our writing services to three different NGOs? 


What can you do?


Let’s take away the C from CSR, and replace it with ‘My’. What is My Social Responsibility?

Do you have some extra time? How about money? How about food? There are many people and animals all over the world that will need help for a long time to come. To get their jobs back, to learn new skills in order to find work, to catch up with school that they’ve missed. Animals that need to find homes and shelters that need to be fixed. There are many sick people who just need someone to talk to.


Take the time to think about how you can share your skills with other beings who haven’t been so lucky. Let’s not take this time for granted and let’s not go back into a world that was full of greed, selfishness and pollution of the mind and the planet. Let COVID-19 teach us compassion, resilience and awareness. 

marla lise