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Public Speaking for Kids! Seriously?

Should public speaking be introduced to children? It’s true that many kindy kids enjoy the limelight. Ask them a question and a classful of hands shoot up. They perform with pleasure. Then, they go to school and unfortunately very quickly they learn that it is not a good thing to volunteer answers – you get teased or laughed at. And so begins a fear of voicing opinions – fear of public speaking! As long as nothing is done to overcome this fear, nothing will change. 

So yes, public speaking courses for kids do help in building their self-confidence; give them the assurance that they are taken seriously and their opinions matter. A structured course will help them learn to convey their ideas clearly, concisely and convincingly. It gives them opportunities to hone their skills and confidence. Confidence begets confidence. Every time they stand up to speak, they get a boost in their level of self-confidence. Moreover, they become better communicators all round since they are able to structure and express their ideas clearly.

We are generally wired to be impressed by those who can express themselves better. This is true in the classroom as well. Leadership opportunities in schools are almost always provided to those children who can speak, lead and persuade other pupils. Those children who can’t express themselves effectively are unfortunately left behind.

As public speaking is critical to an adult, developing the ability as a child is one of the best ways to excel in it.

Invest in your child’s future - join our Public Speaking Workshop this December being conducted at the Serangoon Gardens Country Club.  

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