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Raising Readers #3

Continuing with our blog on Raising Readers, we look at some of the advantages of being able to read from young. There is compelling evidence to show that children who read from young have higher test results than those who read less or didn’t read at all. Reading for pleasure is linked to better vocabulary, spelling and even mathematics. Of course all that leads to a boost in confidence and self-esteem.

Here is a summary of some of the major benefits of encouraging children to read for pleasure: -

1.     Their vocabulary is more extensive

2.     They perform better academically

3.     They have a more vivid imagination

4.     They are more creative

5.     Their concentration improves

6.     They have a deeper understanding of the world

7.     They develop greater empathy

8.     Their social skills and interaction improve

Are you sufficiently convinced to snuggle up with your kid and a book?

marla lise