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Lucky Charms

From cheap tourist souvenirs to expensive jewellery to historical amulets, lucky charms have existed in most cultures to summon good or repel evil. Whether you grasp such good luck charms in your palm, wear them around your neck, or mount one near your front door, these talismans or amulets are meant to provide a shortcut to a better future. The ancient Egyptians believed so strongly in the healing and protective power of the amulet that they sought its protection not only during life, but also in the afterlife.

You may have heard that seven was the luckiest number, but did anyone tell you why? The number seven has been connected with perfection, and with gaining knowledge in many cultures throughout history. But if you had grown up in China, you would probably be saying that the number 8 is the luckiest number. In Chinese, the word for the number 8 sounds a lot like the word for prosperity. So its luck-bringing properties are a kind of play on words. In contrast, the number 4 is a no-no as it sounds like death.

Do you think luck influences events in your favour? Do you have a special shirt that is worn for important interviews? A routine that must take place before you leave the house? The lucky dollar that you keep in your wallet? Why not write and tell us about it? 

marla lise