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Coping Strategies

#1. Exercise – a great way to boost our well-being. Just a half hour of cardio exercises every morning is as effective as taking an anti-depressant. Exercise is not just for keeping buff, but it’s what we should immediately turn to when we are having a difficult day. 

#2. Taking time for gratitude – of course when we are down we may not be in the mood to think of anything to be grateful for. But the fact of the matter is that writing down 3 to 5 things that we are grateful for every day, significantly improves one’s level of well-being. These need not be huge things – even being grateful for a fragrant cup of well-made coffee helps to set the tone.

#3. Sleep – establish healthy sleep habits which could include, making your bedroom quiet and relaxing; establishing a relaxing bedtime routine; turning off electronic devices early; as well as keeping a consistent sleep schedule. You could even start a two-week sleep diary to help you understand how your routines affect your sleep.

#4. Get social – when one is busy or stressed, there is a natural tendency to stay shut in and be alone. It may be difficult to find time for friends and family, but being intentional about these social gatherings will definitely make one feel better. Why not exercise with friends? That way you could accomplish two coping strategies in one go.

#5. Be with your emotions – often we don’t want to deal with our depressing emotions. However, it’s been proven scientifically that the more you suppress these emotions the worse they become. Different forms of meditation could help you recognise your negative emotions. Investigate what these emotions do in your body and then to look at how to transform those emotions and processes in the mind and body to nurture yourself.

We are all in this together. Let’s work toward leading more dynamic lives. 



Source: Dr. Laurie Santos' 5 Favourite Coping Tips 

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