where learning and experience connect

Blog Posts

just keep writing

The #planetwriters

Last year, I rebranded The English Curve to include The Eco Chapter - where I use the English language for environmental education.

I’m going out on a limb here with a series of environmental writing workshops in hopes of starting a movement of #planetwriters - A sort of eco-literary activism.

I shared my first @substack article almost a year ago, and I’ve been trying to post at least one article each month - something to question the status quo. Since then, I’ve had several people get in touch with me to tell me how much they liked the ideas I presented or that they vibed with my thoughts.

So, I thought, ‘what if there are others like me, with something to say, but just don’t know how to put those thoughts into words?’ What if there are others who are unhappy with how things are presented to us through the media, the myopic actions of politicians, the materialism of consumers, the immense power of multinationals, the ignorance of climate change deniers. 

If you’ve been following the news, social media, or the general word-on-the-street, you’ll know there’s something very wrong with the current system. It is a system that may have worked in a different time but we’re living in a changed world now - it’s already here.

Activists like Greta Thunberg and Clover Hogan are being turned into memes and jokes for their radical ideas and smack-in-the-face comments about the harsh reality that is affecting all of us. We laugh at the ‘eco-zealots’ who have accepted and advocate that climate change is real. Rather than join their fight for change, many seem happy to sit ignorant while our planet burns around us, while thousands drown in unprecedented floods, while war ravages countries because of greed and egos. The science has been around for decades, yet we are apathetically watching our planet disintegrate, denying the fact our world is clearly not healthy.

Being complacent is not going to work anymore, neither is pointing the finger and being inactive, which has perpetuated the problem. We must accept that this inconvenient truth isn’t going anywhere and that we have to do something about it. We just need 25% to tip the scale - 25% to say, ‘I want change. I want to be the change.”

I’m no subject matter expert but I am a person with the power to ask questions, put my thoughts on paper, and push for the changes I believe in.

So, why don’t we?

Come join me in a series of writing workshops over the next few months. Let’s challenge the narrative, write for the planet, and connect hands and hearts. As #planetwriters we can inform, persuade, entertain, and encourage through incisive literary activism. Your words have the power to tip the scales.

We just need 25%.

Spread the word.

marla lise