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just keep writing


If you’re afraid of speaking in public, you’re not alone. Glossophobia, the fear of public speaking, is experienced by millions of people all over the world.

Myself included.
As an introvert, public speaking, especially in front of a camera, is terrifying. You are always faced with the fear of failure, fear of judgement and the fear of negative evaluation.

🎤💪Here are some tips to conquer those nerves and become a confident speaker:

👉 Preparation is Key: Know your material inside-out. Practice, practice, and practice some more! Familiarity breeds confidence.

👉 Start Small: smaller audiences or supportive environments to build your comfort level.

👉 Breathe and Relax: Take deep breaths before stepping on stage. Remember, it’s okay to be nervous; it shows you care.

👉 Engage with Your Audience: Treat your speech like a conversation. Connect with your listeners.

👉 Visualize Success: Picture yourself delivering a fantastic speech. Positive thoughts attract positive outcomes!

👉 Embrace Mistakes: No one’s perfect! Embrace any slip-ups, and use them as learning opportunities.

👉 Join a Toastmasters Club: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your goals. They’ll provide valuable feedback and support.

👉 Celebrate Your Progress: Every step forward is a triumph. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.

👉 Knowledge is power: Be confident in your language skills! The more comfortable you are with your words, the more comfortable you will be presenting them.

Remember, public speaking is a skill that improves with practice. Let’s learn how to embrace the spotlight together. 🤙

marla lise