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Dealing with Disappointment

Families are facing unprecedented times, as we all stay home to be safe. These necessary adjustments may cause a great deal of disappointment for kids who are faced with the cancellation of sports, playdates, birthdays and holiday plans. When actual events don’t line up with what we expected, we may be disappointed – disappointed in other people, in a situation, or in ourselves. Disappointment is complex because it’s made up of frustration, anger, sadness and sometimes disgust. And as much as we'd like to spare our kids from disappointment, we can't. But we can teach them how to manage their disappointments. How?

Here are some tips from experts:

# Name the feeling as a method of validating how your child is feeling 

# Empathise with their feelings

# Reassure them that it is temporary

# Teach them self-calming skills

# Find time to have special moments with them

# Help them stay connected with their friends through video chats/phone calls

When children learn that they have what it takes to work through the difficult feelings caused by disappointing situations, they build resilience and coping skills. At the same time, let them know that you are there to support them and that you will get through this together.

Yes, we will!


marla lise