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Let your voice be heard #2


1.     Good Posture

Another tip to have a strong and rich voice is to have good posture which enables controlled smooth air flow - from your lungs, out through your nose and mouth. Poor posture, on the other hand, restricts this flow and your voice will sound forced. 

Stand squarely, centred, with your legs hip width apart, and your weight evenly distributed on both feet. This will give you a good balance. Relax your muscles around the head, neck and shoulders. 


Follow these exercises to release any tension around your neck and shoulders.

−      Start with your head facing forwards.

−      Then tilt your head gently so that your right ear moves towards your right shoulder – keep looking forwards – do not be tempted to twist to the side.

−      When you have reached your limit, stop and face forward again.

−      Then repeat by tilting your left ear towards your left shoulder, stopping at your limit, and then returning to face forward.

−      Repeat the whole of the above 5 times.



−      Start with your head facing forward.

−      Gently rotate the shoulders forward in small circular movements. 

−      Now reverse the movement so that you rotate the shoulders backwards in small circles.

Once relaxed, repeat the breathing exercises you learnt last week.

marla lise