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The Spirit of Anthems

An anthem is a musical composition of celebration, usually used as a symbol for a distinct group or country. National anthems are a powerful part of the paraphernalia of national packaging, alongside flags, state crests and pledges of allegiance. 

The national anthem is viewed as crucial in giving individuals a shared experience, the promotion of social cohesion and a sense of national identity. A national identity unites and builds a bond among all members of the society. Especially in a diverse society, where members of many different cultural, ethnic, socio-economic, and language groups live, a clear national identity is needed to unite all citizens. This mutual identity is reaffirmed every time we say the pledge of alliance or sing the national anthem.  Doing so reminds us of our shared goals and aspirations, our shared dedication to the basic values of our nation.

National anthems are played and sung at solemn occasions as singing and listening to them generate heightened feelings of pride and patriotism. At the onset of sporting events or international competitions, listeners (numbering millions) reported a strengthened resolve and increased camaraderie after hearing their national anthem played. It has the power to pull together, connect and inspire great things; it reminds one primarily of victory.

Although it is true that we are increasingly becoming global citizens, we continue to draw upon our national identity to understand ourselves. And because people are social creatures who desire a sense of belonging, the nation remains an important basis for identity.

What do you think of when you hear “Majulah Singapura!”?

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