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Mask Parade

It looks like for the foreseeable future, even after the pandemic crisis abates, we’ll be donning masks to the grocery store, on walks and runs, or to the office. It seems highly likely that masks will quickly become fashion accessories, rather than play a mere functional role. 

The American Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi has already started the trend by taking the time to make sure her face coverings, whether masks or scarves, stylishly match her outfit. Others see masks as a means of self-expression and have created their own masks of different designs and fabrics to suit their personality and uniqueness. There are now tie-dye masks; masks made of silk, denim, polyester and elastane; masks that even come with sequins and pearls. Motifs on masks are also varied, often reflecting local cultures or cartoon themes.

If the simple act of getting dressed can bring a little joy during these dark times, why not include a little pop of matching colour on our faces to brighten up our day?

marla lise