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Kitchen Therapy

The COVID-19 pandemic started a rush of buying – toilet paper rolled off the shelves like there was no tomorrow. Things have taken on a slightly more normal outlook now. It seems that what is flying off the shelves these days are the ingredients for baking – flour, butter, cream, sugar and especially yeast! Baking has become the new past time for many locked in their homes.

So what’s the deal with baking? 

During periods of stress, and when there is little chance of pursuing usual stress relieving activities, we may turn to food for comfort. Sugar consumption increases serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood. Because sugar boosts serotonin, one feels cheerful. So people hunker down on cupcakes for a high!

Another reason could be that baking is an outlet for creative expression, much like painting or writing. Creativity in turn leads to a greater sense of wellbeing as one becomes more relaxed and happier. Since baking is connected to positive feelings, psychologists have actually been using cooking and baking as a therapeutic tool to help people dealing with things like depression and anxiety. What better way towards self-care during this time of crisis.

The most probable reason (we think) is social media! Taking photos of your culinary adventures and posting them online gives you a way to communicate with the people who read your post. It also gives one a sense of accomplishment, which is much needed when there is not much else motivation.

There is no doubt that baking leads to an exploration of senses – the sight, smells, touch, taste and sounds of cooking has a calming effect. Like most meditative processes, baking helps drown out “white noise”. It forces one to focus on what’s vital at the moment resulting in a state of mindfulness which consequently frees the mind from anxiety and negativity.

Baking enables one to stay active; it gives the baker an opportunity to overcome a challenge and the end result is a veritable feast for the family and a sense of  pride for the baker, which can be a boost for one’s self-esteem.

So go ahead and make memories in the kitchen. What’s a few extra pounds?


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