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We Are One!

We are one – we are one….  

Homonym much?

Homonyms are words that are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings. Therefore, when we say we are one – we both that we are one year old (which we are!) and that we are one – a family - The English Curve community.

2020 has been crazy for most due to the current worldwide epidemic, COV-ID 19. In the last months hot discussions have accrued around the issue of the Coronavirus outbreak. 

Panic buying leaves supermarket shelves depleted of food and other daily necessities. People in public places eye each other with suspicion and hostility and worst of all, personnel related to the health industry are being ostracised and abused.

Our hearts go out to the families of those who have succumbed to this awful bug. And to those who are still hospitalised, we say, stay strong! Think positive!

With all the containment procedures in place, we are some of the lucky ones here in Singapore. The dedication and perseverance of the medical personnel cannot be accentuated enough. There are the men and women who responded without hesitation to donate their time, products and effort to help those in need. One dictionary defines resilience as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties”. We have weathered many difficult situations in the past and the current crisis is unlikely to be the last. But we have become stronger without having our spirit crushed. Hopefully we will also become more civic conscious, taking deliberate preventive measures to ensure that everyone in our community is happy and healthy.

We are sending positive, healthy and happy vibes to all your communities. Thank you for supporting us through this last year and we look forward to learning with you this year. Let us be resilient, let us be one.

marla lise